Year 6s Bring Peace to the Playground

Student Leadership

The Primary playgrounds at King's can be a bustling place during break times so its heartwarming to know that the Year 6 students love to spend their breaks serving around our campus as ‘Peacekeepers,' alongside our duty teachers. King's Primary Peacekeepers Program has been running for a number of years and gives our oldest Primary students the opportunity to volunteer their time as they serve in the playground and use their developing leadership skills in a meaningful and practical way. Our Peacekeepers are easy to spot on the playground in their bright blue vests, and are often attract a big crowd of little followers.

Last week during break times, our busy Peacekeepers were spotted helping with tuckshop deliveries, playing group games on the green, building plastic towers, leading obstacles courses, chatting with students and always creating an inclusive community across the playground. Thanks to our amazing Year 6 students for modelling such servant-hearts to our younger years!