100 Days of Prep 2021

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Friday, 30 July, marked an important milestone for our Prep students as they reached 100 DAYS IN PREP. The special occasion was a chance to celebrate our youngest King’s kids and all they have achieved at school so far. Prep is characterised by new faces, new places and new lessons, and our amazing students have all embraced their first 100 days with curiosity and courage. From meeting our larger than life King’s lion on Day One, to learning to write, read, count, make friends, and much more, these students have developed in so many ways.

On the first day of Prep, students received their own King’s teddy, and these bears returned for the event to enjoy some celebration cake and a Teddy Bear’s Picnic. Our teachers also joined the festivities and dressed as 100-year-olds who were certainly showing their age. Our Prep community really enjoyed the chance to celebrate 100 DAYS, and we are so excited to continue this learning adventure with them for the rest of Prep... and beyond! 

We asked our students what they LOVE most about Prep...

"I love making new friends."
"I love sight word tests."
"I love praising Jesus!"
"I love going to sport."
"I love my classroom."