Prep Town Market Extravaganza


Throughout Term 3, Prep students have enjoyed spending school time in Prep Town - their own hive of enterprise and a thriving little community inside the Prep Centre. Complete with an Apple store, hardware store, music shop and fitness centre, each ‘business’ integrated learning concepts from literacy, mathematics, science, HASS, visual art and health, in a fun and engaging way. Students loved the opportunity to make and buy Prep Town products and services each week on Market Days, and then on the last Thursday of term, Prep Town culminated with a final market extravaganza. The ‘money’ they had earned throughout the term was ‘spent’ on popcorn and smoothies, getting their faces painted, decorating colourful bags, free time on tech, jumping pillow vouchers 'Apple' products and much more. Thanks to King's incredible Prep teachers for providing such an authentic and fun learning environment!