Primary Christmas Missions Festival


'Tis the season to be generous as we open our hearts (and wallets) and give gifts to those we care about. At King's, our heart of generosity extends beyond the campus year-round, to reach those less fortunate. This time of year can be particularly challenging for many Gold Coast families as they are financially stretched beyond their limits and struggle to feed their children. Our College is pleased to partner with King's Care every year to support their Christmas Hamper program, which creates and distributes hundreds of food hampers to local families in need. This week our Primary LIFE team ran a Christmas Festival Missions dress-up day and fundraiser lunch. It was heartwarming to see the community spirit of our school come to life as our primary students enjoyed festive dress-up fun, tasty treats and the chance to bring their small change to make a big difference for many people this Christmas. We want to acknowledge and honour the tireless work of our Primary and High School LIFE teams who bring the fun to fundraising and helped us collectively raise thousands for missions this year. Go King's!