Write a Book in a Day


For 12 hours straight on Thursday, 26 August, nine Year 6 students participated in the national Write a Book in a Day competition. From 8am - 8pm, the students had to write and illustrate a book from start to finish. Funds raised go to the Kids’ Cancer Project, a national charity supporting childhood cancer research. Digital editions of the completed books are shared with hospitals across Australia.

Each team was provided with a unique set of parameters for their story: two human characters, one non-human character, an issue, a setting and five random words. This year, our Year 6 team had to write a book based on:

  • a fashion designer and a magician
  • a chicken
  • in a bicycle shop
  • facing the issue of a failed test

All students worked extremely hard and collaborated well. We are very proud of the team and look forward to hearing the results from the competition in November.

A team of Year 4 and 5 students also got to participate in the Write a Book in a Day competition.  The students spent 12 straight hours planning, drafting and editing their books.

This year, our Year 4 and 5 team had to write a book about a driving instructor, a piano tuner and a crocodile at the zoo. Unfortunately for the driving instructor he ran into an issue.. he was on his last dollar!

Both teams had an absolute blast collaborating together to create their book for a special audience.