King's Class Coordinator's Catch Up


King's Primary Class Coordinator Program has been running for a number of years with the purpose of strengthening family connections across our College community. Each class in Primary School has a Class Coordinator who volunteers their time to support the teacher, help families connect and share school information. We are fortunate to have these amazing ambassadors in our community and we know that our new King's families are especially grateful to have another parent they can call upon, to ask about some of the idiosyncrasies of school life. 

We held our Class Coordinator Midyear catch up last week at the King's Table, where our 2022 Class Coordinators enjoyed the chance to chat with Mr Meyers, Mrs Payne, and our Year Level Coordinators, and to hear more from our Event Coordinator about the upcoming King's Carnival Day. Our Primary Art Teacher, Mrs Wendyk, also led a relaxing coffee and paint session. It was a special occasion as we celebrated these amazing members of our community and all that they do to help build the caring culture we strive for at King's.