A Visit to our Principal


During this past week, a few of the Prep and Year 1 students have been selected to go and visit our Principal, Mr Rob Verreynne, to share some of their exciting learning. 

Year 1 students and their visit to share their learning experiences with our Principal, Mr Verreynnee
Year 1 students share their learning experiences with our Principal, Mr Verreynne

This term in Year 1 they have been learning how to write exciting stories about superheroes! Atlas, Emma, Bianca and Geahna took their stories to share sizzling starts, their favourite super heroes and what superpower they wish they could have with Mr Verreynne.

While Prep students, Jesse, Luke, Armani and Isla shared their learning experiences from the week and this is what they had to say:

Jesse was able to read one of his readers and communicate his understanding of Crack-the-Code words that he could spell and track on his arm. 

Luke told Mr Verreynne all about our new class pets Scratch and Hermie, our crabs whom we purchased to teach us hands-on learning about real-life marine creatures. 

Isla shared her design of a new shell created for our pet Scratch and Armani read some of her sentences written about the pet crabs. 

All of the students had a wonderful time, and it was the highlight of their day.