A Grand-tastic Day for King's Primary
When the clock struck 9am on Friday, 18 August, King's Primary precinct was buzzing with excitement as over 700 beloved grandparents were ushered into our Prep - Year 6 classrooms by student leaders. Grandmas, Grandads, Nanas and Poppas all sat side by side with their eager grandchildren, embarking on a morning of unforgettable fun for Grandparent's Day. Our College classrooms and outdoor spaces became places for lively shared experiences as our students and their special guests engaged in mini-golf and lawn games, Kahoot quizzes, chess competitions and card games. Creativity flowed throughout the morning as crafting sessions unveiled some hidden talents and produced some vibrant works of art. King’s Table Forecourt was also a popular place for our Grandparents to relax for a lavish morning tea together, amidst the sweet sounds of our Primary Choir performances. Later in the day, our Noah's Ark Grandparents arrived for some afternoon fun. Every hug, every smile, and every warm moment added a sprinkle of love to this extraordinary day. Thank you, King’s families, for helping us make many more moments to treasure!