High School's Term 3 Highlights


What a wonderful Term 3 it's been in high school at King's! As we prepare for the holiday break, it is gratifying to take a moment to stop and reflect on all of the exciting opportunities our students have been able to participate in over the past few months. Some of our Term 3 highlights included:

Guest Speakers

  • A Year 8 team attended the online training for the 2024 International Ethics Olympiad
  • Year 9 hosted Sebastian Harris, an Ancient History and Archaeology student and Honorary Research Associate, who spoke about the archaeological evidence supporting Jesus’ birth, death and resurrection.
  • Year 10 Accounting heard from guest speaker Meryl Johnston from Bean Ninjas Accounting
  • Years 10 & 11 participated in a CareerMatch Career assessment organised by Southern Cross University
  • Year 12 enjoyed informative talks from representatives from QTAC, Bond University, and Southern Cross University
  • Year 12 girls learned from Emma Tabacru from Pippin’ Girl about how to be happy, healthy and confident.

Experiential Learning

  • Year 7 Humanities (incursion) took part in Live at the Library sessions with Queensland State Library via Teams
  • Year 7 Humanities (incursion) gained Research Skills and APA referencing skills from King’s Library team
  • Year 9 Japanese students enjoyed Zoom sessions with Seikyo Gakuen students in Japan
  • Year 9-12 Performing Arts students attended a performance of Yuldea by Bangarra Dance Theatre at QPAC in Brisbane
  • Year 10 and 11 Legal Studies visited the Magistrates and Supreme Courts
  • Year 10 Business & Tourism class completed three days of work experience 
  • Year 10 and 11 Visual Artists visited the Gallery of Modern Art and the Banksy exhibition in Brisbane
  • Year 10 & 11 Digital Solutions visited Griffith University Careers Expo for Digital Solutions
  • Year 12 English Macbeth attended a live theatre performance by Shake & Stir and had an optional online external exam preparation workshop from the English Teachers Association of Queensland
  • Year 12 Modern History had Zoom sessions with Modern History experts to prepare for their External Assessment
  • Year 12 Japanese students took part in Yukata - a traditional tea ceremony
  • Year 12 Business students visited Dreamworld to investigate and collate data and information for their IA3 report

Learning Beyond the Classroom

  • Thailand and St George Mission Trips
  • Years 7 - 9 History students were invited to compete in the National History Competition, winning certificates of achievement and one King's student earning the title of State Champion
  • Year 7 - 9 Maths Competitions (APSMO, AIMO, QAMT problem-solving competitions, QAMT Maths Quiz).
  • Year 8 team attended the online training for the 2024 International Ethics Olympiad
  • Science Week quiz competitions for Year 7, Year 8, Year 9, Biology, Chemistry and Physics classes
  • Senior Science Olympiad Exams (Biology, Chemistry, Physics)
  • Year 12 STEM Ambassadors assisted Science Week lunch activities for Primary students
  • Year 12 Maths & Pizza Study Night

Parents were invited to Attend

  • Honours Services
  • Year 10 SETPlan Interviews
  • Focus Film Showcase and Awards Night

Staff Professional Development Opportunities

  • Business and Accounting teachers attended the BEAQ conference in Brisbane
  • Geography teachers attended the GTAQ conference in Brisbane
  • History teachers attended the QHTA conference in Brisbane and Online External Exam Preparation with QHTA session.

Assistance Opportunities for Students

We had increased attendance at:

  • Homework Lunch tutoring sessions
  • After School Homework and Assignment Assistance sessions
  • Years 10 - 12 Science Exam Master Class (Record attendance - 89 registered participants)

In addition, Years 7 to 10 students completed Whole School Testing. Students were tested in areas of Reading, Maths and General Abilities. The data from this testing allows King's to tailor our programs across all learning areas to address areas of weakness in the cohorts and build further on areas of strength. We are proud of our students for trying their best during this testing, as this allows us to make great decisions about their learning. 

From the Teaching and Learning Team in high school, we wish all families a safe and enjoyable holiday. We look forward to school returning on Tuesday, 3 October, and seeing many parents at our High School Presentation Evening on Wednesday, 8 November (Week 6).