Kings’ Inaugural STEM Quiz Night


Year 12 STEM Ambassadors - Lachlan Chang, Ern Wong, Noah Law, Christin Lin, Cynthia Lin, Cern Wong and Hayate Takahashi planned and ran a fun social event for high schoolers with a shared love of learning. Our first-ever student-run STEM quiz night was a resounding success, full of enthusiasm, fun and a healthy sense of competition!

High School students from all year levels signed up to compete for quiz rounds relating to Science, Technology and Mathematics, followed by an engineering challenge to build the tallest spaghetti tower. Congratulations to our knowledgeable winners, who received gift vouchers for Robina Town Centre from the Science Department, with runners-up sharing boxes of lollies.

Junior Category Winners 

Luka Hart, Micah Young, Woo Joon Ki and Simon Grove (pictured - photo 1)

Senior Category Winners 

Jaydn Verreynne, Brent Campbell, Simon Marais, Caleb Choga and Logan Howe (pictured - photo 2)

The Science Department would like to congratulate and thank our honorary department members - the Year 12 STEM ambassadors - for their service as positive academic role models and their willingness to create a fantastic experience for their fellow students.