Year 11 Camp


The Year 11 camp was a great experience for our cohort. We participated in a variety of activities such as The Giant Swing, Rock Climbing and Team Challenges which helped us boost our confidence and try new skills whilst working within a team setting.

"The survival challenges gave us the opportunity to connect with each other as well as have a house rivalry to be the ultimate survivor tribe, " stated Mrs Holly Collety, Head of Newton House and Secondary Teacher.

"This was a great experience to help us bond as a grade as well as a team whilst trying something new, fun and exciting. The late-night devotions had a magical atmosphere where we could really connect with God as well as each other and really feel his presence among us."

"Another great experience of the survivor camp was the food auction. This was a fun activity for the tribes where we could bet points to win snacks from either getting yummy TimTams to having a can of beans. The second night's Hawaiian party was also great to dress up in Hawaiian clothes and just enjoy ourselves."
"For our Year 11 camp this year, we went to Tallabudgera. This camp was different from all the other camps we have had, we did many activities that ranged from rock climbing to unique and exciting survivor activities. I personally enjoyed all the survivor activities. Something that stood out for me was the independence in our house groups. We were no longer Finney, Newton, Rayleigh and Tyndale. We had to create our own tribal names and our own war cries/ expression sessions. We had to do all of these as a house, without the teacher's help. It was an amazing and competitive experience. But when we weren't doing survivor games on the beach, we were doing activities, organised by the campsite. My personal favourite was the giant swing. It was a massive, 20-metre swing that had an amazing view of the Tallabudgera beach and the Burleigh mountains when you reached the top. Then you would drop and swing until you came to a stop. Not only did we have amazing activities, but the chaplains also ran some amazing devotions at night. God moved in many ways during worship, with some of us worshipping for hours on end. It was such a surreal environment, and it created such a memorable moment for many of us. I hope that all the other years to come get to experience this amazing trip!"