Year 9s Pick a Path for Camp This Year


The Year 9s were fortunate to have two camp options this year – to either embark on their (postponed) Sydney-Canberra snow trip or take the warmer option on the Sunshine Coast. Both groups made the most of their memorable camp experiences in Week 6 of Term 3.

Sydney - Canberra Report 

We had waited three long years to venture to Sydney, Canberra, Jindabyne and ultimately Thredbo with our cohort to experience the snow together and visit significant cultural sites. Flying into Sydney and then driving to Canberra, we were all excited for the tour of our nation's capital, followed by the chance to try skiing. After a very early morning start, we arrived in Canberra in the afternoon and went straight to the first activity of our camp. Depending on which bus group, that was either a bike ride around Lake Burley Griffin, playing putt-putt golf, or a visit to the National Zoo and Aquarium. The following morning, we visited Parliament House, where we had a guided tour through the House of Representatives, Senate and the Great Hall. We then continued on to another of the Canberra activities before hitting the road for the drive to Jindabyne.

The following two days were the real highlight of the camp - skiing at Thredbo! Despite being at different ability levels, with some who had not seen snow before, we all had an unforgettable experience. The beginner students had lots of support in their lessons to master the basics of skiing while the more experienced skiers had the opportunity to challenge themselves on more difficult terrain. After amazing days, the nighttime devotions took us on a different journey as the teachers delivered impactful lessons. We explored the topic of letting go of small worries and trusting God with all areas of our lives. On behalf of the Year 9 students who attended this camp, I want to thank the teachers and staff who prepared for and accompanied us on this memorable trip. A special mention to Mr Sutherland for his never-ending enthusiasm and amazing work to make this camp happen.

– Written by Emilia Wruck, Year 9 Student

Sunshine Coast Report

While many Year 9 students packed their winter coats and gloves for Canberra, a small cohort of students had the incredible opportunity to go to Alexandra Headland on the Sunshine Coast. From conquering towering rock walls to channelling their inner race car drivers at the Go Karting track, our students proved they were up for any challenge that came their way. The excitement reached new heights—literally—when they took on the High Ropes and Zip Lining course at the iconic Big Pineapple.

However, this camp was more than just trying new activities; it was a chance for personal and spiritual growth, as students immersed themselves in our nightly devotions and were able to connect with God and grow deeper in their faith. This is always the heartbeat and goal of our camps and once again God met our students in a powerful way. A big thank you to the chaplaincy team for providing this space and opportunity for our students and to the staff who accompanied the students.