Pimpama Campus Fees 2024

Please note: Educating your children at King's may be more affordable than you realise. The fees below represent the total cost of attending King's Christian College. There are no 'supplementary' accounts, building levies or hidden extra fees.

Download Pimpama Fee Schedule 2024 Switch to Logan Village Campus Fees
Switch to Reedy Creek Campus Fees

Initial Enrolment Costs

Application fee $50 (every child, once only and non-refundable)
Enrolment fee $300 (once, per family and non-refundable)

Tuition Fees - per term (4 terms per year)

Prices quoted are the costs per term. A discount is available on the tuition component if fees are paid by the first week of each term. A yearly discount is available on the tuition component if the whole year is paid by January 19. (These discounts do not apply to families already receiving discounted fees eg: scholarships etc.)

NB: Fees quoted are subject to annual review.

Primary 1st child 2nd child 3rd child 4th child
Prep - Year 6 $1,332 $1,172 $1,122 $442
Secondary 1st child 2nd child 3rd child 4th child
Year 7-10 $1,592 $1,403 $1,339 $527
Year 11-12* $1,820 $1,631 $1,567 $755

*Year 12 will be charged for three terms only. No fees will be charged in term 4 of Year 12.

Consumable Costs - per term

Prices quoted are the costs per term for each child. These consumable fees are calculated to be an average cost to cover all students in a range of usage situations. No part of this cost is refundable.

Prep to Year 3 $251
Year 4 $421
Year 5-6 $528
Year 7-10 $646
Year 11-12* $860

*Year 12 will be charged for three terms only. No fees will be charged for Term 4 of Year 12.

Consumables for Primary School include:

Stationery, pens, pencils, exercise books, buses to and from excursions and sport, camps, ID photo, accident insurance, resources used and technology levy (includes 1:1 computer device from Year 5).
NB: Year 6 trip is additional.

Consumables for Secondary School include:

First issue of exercise books, text books, buses to and from excursions and sport, camps, ID photo, accident insurance, technology levy (includes 1:1 computer device), Year 12 senior jersey. NB: Year 9 trip is additional.

Total Fees - per term (tuition plus consumables)

Primary 1st child 2nd child 3rd child 4th child
Prep to Year 3 $1,583 $1,423 $1,373 $693
Year 4 $1,753 $1,593 $1,543 $863
Year 5-6 $1,860 $1,700 $1,650 $970
Secondary 1st child 2 child 3rd child 4th child
Year 7-10 $2,238 $2,049 $1,985 $1,173
Year 11-12* $2,680 $2,491 $2,427 $1,615

*Year 12 will be charged for three terms only. No fees will be charged in Term 4 of Year 12.

Total Fees - per year (tuition plus consumables)

Primary 1st child 2nd child 3rd child 4th child
Prep to Year 3 $6,332 $5,692 $5,492 $2,772
Years 4 $7,012 $6,372 $6,172 $3,452
Years 5-6 $7,440 $6,800 $6,600 $3,880
Secondary 1st child 2nd child 3rd child 4th child
Year 7-10 $8,952 $8,196 $7,940 $4,692
Year 11 $10,720$9,964 $9,708 $6,460
Year 12 $8,040 $7,473 $7,281 $4,845

A discount is available on the tuition component if fees are paid by the first week of each term. A yearly discount is available on the tuition component if the whole year is paid on or before 19th January. These discounts do NOT apply to families already receiving discounted fees e.g. scholarships etc. For parents who have children attending both Reedy Creek and Pimpama campuses, a direct bus between campuses will be provided at no extra charge.

Fee Calculator


Costs are approximate only. A price list is available from King's Online Uniform Shop.

Primary $500 approximately
Middle School $600 approximately
Senior School $800 approximately

Other Optional Costs

High School subject levy Some subjects incur a levy
(charged in term 1)
Daily bus to and from school $400 per term
Casual bus fee $10 per child, per trip
(paid through BusMinder app)
Year 12 Formal $150 approx.

For families with children at both Pimpama and Reedy Creek campuses:
A complimentary direct bus from Pimpama to the Reedy Creek campus will be provided for the children attending King's Reedy Creek.

King's Bus Service